Program Specifics

US persons including US residents are not eligible to access or redeem points.

The Rewards Program emphasizes transparency and real-time value tracking, ensuring participants always know the token total and dollar value of their rewards.

  • 3.33 million RWA (10% of the total supply) will be distributed over an 8 month period.

  • The first season will start on July 1st, and it will end on August 31st.

  • 100% of the tokens will be distributed to users

5% of the Season 1 token supply will be allocated to a “pre-season,” rewarding early users/farmers who engaged with prior to the Rewards Program launch on July 1st|.

The team reserves the right to redistribute future multipliers at any time, impacting future rewards earnings, not past rewards accruals.

The tokens being tracked and their corresponding points multiplier will be kept up-to-date in the program UI. This ensures all users have full transparency into how rewards are calculated and where they can earn the most rewards.

Our program is designed to be sybil-resistant and fair, rewarding users based on their TVL held on the chain and the value of their actions, with additional incentives for specific high-value transactions and activities.

Season 2 Updates

Up to 50% of daily Season 2 points will be allocated to blockspace rewards, distributed based on the amount of transaction fees paid.

This allocation will be distributed to both individual users or contracts paying the transaction fees as well as the protocols and contracts responsible for necessitating the transaction.

How it works:

  • Up to 50% of daily points will be allocated based on gas expenditure, starting with 1% on the first day of Season 2 and increasing linearly up to 50%.

  • Half of that to users spending the gas, half to the protocols necessitating the transaction

  • We will be scanning for all events on the chain and then allocating gas rewards (points) to the user or protocol wallets spending the transactions costs

  • We will be excluding the genesis protocols (, Tangible, Pearl, Stack, Arcana) from the protocol allocation, rewards will go exclusively to new protocols deploying onto the chain

  • New protocols can connect with the team to register the contracts/events we’ll need to track in order to link those transactions back to the correct protocol as well as provide a wallet for rewards

  • We’ll add new protocols to the leaderboard like we do with any other program participant, they’ll receive a referral code to onboard their users

  • Protocols can determine if they want to redistribute rewards or keep them to build stake in the ecosystem and support ongoing activity through veRWA yields

Our goal is to make it easy for protocols to distribute earned points back to their users if they choose and will help with any integrations and endpoint development to make it easy for them to reflect rewards in their protocol.

The team reserves the right to remove points we determine to be accrued through system abuse. Transaction volume should have a productive impact on protocols or chain operations. Needlessly spamming the chain with transactions will result in forfeiture of points.

Last updated