How to Bridge from (to Ethereum and L2s)

Bridge out of Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Make sure you are on the Bridge page.

  2. Click on “Connect Wallet” and select your preferred wallet.

    1. In this demonstration, Metamask is selected. Note that using other wallets might result in different prompts in your wallet.

  3. Confirm the connection in Metamask.

  4. Input the amount of the tokens you want to bridge out, and select the destination chain. You can choose any token from the list of available tokens.

    1. If you want to bridge out to Ethereum or directly to other L2s in just 15-30 minutes, you can use tokens deployed as OFT such as USTB, MORE, and arcUSD. The available destination chains depend on where these OFTs are deployed.

      1. Bridge USTB to Ethereum Mainnet and unwrape for USDM, swap USDM on Curve

      2. Bridge MORE or arcUSD to Binance Smart Chain and swap for other tokens on Thena.

    2. Note that bridging out ETH to Ethereum will require a challenge period of about 7 days, since is an optimistic rollup. After this initial challenge period, users can claim their withdrawal from the “Pending Transactions” tab, and decide whether to redeem ETH instantly, incurring swap fees on Ethereum mainnet, or complete the redeeming process from Lido, which will extend the process depending on the Lido protocol.

    3. Bridging out other tokens to Ethereum such as USDC, USDT, DAI, WBTC will require just the 7-day challenge period. After the challenge period, you will be able to claim the withdrawal from the “Pending Transactions” tab, receiving your tokens to Ethereum shortly after.

  5. Start the bridging process. Approve token spending, and sign the bridging transaction. Make sure you have enough reETH on to cover gas fees.

  6. If you are bridging out OFTs it will take about 15-30 minutes for your tokens to show up on the selected chain. Current OFT exit options:

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